Tag Archives: Health

Its the end of the……..month as we know it

…..and I feel fine …..great

31 days of no wheat, no alcohol and on the 5:2 fasting diet.  What is the result?

I have lost 5kg (11.02lbs)!

My body is definitely less bloated.

I have way more energy!!

I have cycled 230 miles in 2 continents.

The bonus is I have not had a hangover for 30 mornings (obviously discounting new years day).

But what have I learnt?

That I can go for a whole day on 2 apples plus an evening salad and not even notice.  This is something a month a go that I thought would be impossible.  I also thought that on the 5:2 fasting diet I would pig out the day after each fast.  Looking back, at the beginning I did at least for the first two fasts (first week), but after that, my body felt so good the next morning I did not want to fill it up and feel lethargic.  In fact the fasting diet has made me control portion size and only eat when I am actually hungry.  Incredibly I am doing this with out even thinking about it.  This is a real positive change for me.  I feel I am getting to know my body for the first time and I am sure in a couple of months this will be even more apparent.

However the plan to masticate and not eating in front of the TV has not gone so well.

I am constructing a plan for February and masticating / TV dinners are going to be the focus.

Heres to completing the first month of 2014.


Making Business Trips Work

Cruising to the back straight.
Cruising to the back straight.

I am not sure that this is always possible, however I like to try and find the hotel gym or similar when staying away.

To be honest, I usually find the hotel gym, acknowledge that it is there and feel that I have worked out.

But not this trip.  I am currently in Abu Dhabi.  In my new state of I am going to crack this being fat thing.  I thought I would plan ahead and sort an activity that I would really enjoy and that would work my body.

When the research started little did I know that I could link to of my favourite things together….cycling and F1.

On Tuesday night the F1 track is opened to cyclists for free (if you have your own bike) or 100 AED for 2 hours to rent a bike, you can then race round the F1 circuit (at 10% of the speed of the drivers).

I am feeling on top of the world, incredible day of meetings, then rather than drinking at the bar to celebrate , I pumped out 38 miles on the most glorious smooth asphalt I have ever ridden on.

Smooooth Asphalt
Smooooth Asphalt

I have started planning February more to follow.  It is going to be more painful.


3rd weekend the downfall of New Year Resolutions

Did you know that the 3rd weekend in January is when most people give up their New Years resolutions.

Although I have said that my experiment is not a New Years Resolution, the fact that I started it on January 1st is not helping.

However, I am staying strong. After a dinner party last night and a wedding today, I have still not drunk a drop of alcohol and I have not knowingly let any wheat into my body.

My thoughts to people who are thinking the hell with it or are about to quit what ever they are trying to achieve in 2014 as a ‘new you’ are as follows:

1. It is half way through the month, you have made it this far. What is one drink or whatever you have given up going to achieve in the grand scheme of things. Whatever the reason, I will guarantee that in the back of your mind you will feel you have let yourself down. Keep going for only a bit longer.

2. Think back to why you are doing this anyway. I am sure you had some fairly good reasons. Really try to picture those reasons. Maybe write them down. What ever it takes to re-focus your mind.

3. Life is full of little challenges. If you have set yourself a challenge for January and you complete it, think, how you will be able to tackle the rest of the challenges that crop up over the next 11 months or even your life.

Even writing this has made me even more determined. Good luck.

One last thought. Surround yourself with people who will support you. The longer you go on the easier it will get. But at the beginning of doing anything ‘different’, for some reason some people (even so called friends), will try to talk you out of what ever you are doing. For example not drinking. Why is it such an issue? Some people just cannot help themselves from trying to persuade to have “just one drink” or “this is a special night, how many weddings/birthdays/team building nights are there this year…….”. Why?  because they feel guilty that you are about to do something to better yourself. If what you are doing makes you happy keep going. I have surrounded myself with some of the best people I know for January. Two of which are new to my life, but little do they know they have made a huge impact. No malice and supportive of whatever others are trying to do. I am sure it is to do with their labradoodle…….

Life feels great. We have one life. Lets make the most of it and enjoy every second.


A small slice of ego deflation please……

Today I had a meeting with some potential business partners.  I use the term partner loosely, as really they are competitors that we are looking on doing a combined tender with.

However, I am digressing.  Todays meeting started with a pretty swift verbal punch.  I was greeted cordially with a “great to see you, well, you’ve put on weight”.

This got me thinking.  The truth is in the last 18 months I have put on weight.  Not a crazy amount, probably 5 to 7KG.  Enough to notice?  Yes probably.  But, my thoughts ran more to, why do humans feel the need to start a conversation with what is essentially a negative comment?

Does it put them in the power seat for the meeting?  Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves.

I am not sure.  But for the first in my life I did not care.  I have yo yo’d with weight and struggled with weight loss my whole life.

This kind of comment, would have floored me a year ago.  I don’t know why I can suddenly deal with it.

What I do know is that in just 15 days of this journey I am feeling great.

30 miles today.  It’s all looking up.

More to follow………


Knowing when full is actually full

20140104-085345.jpgThe reason for this post, is a sort of typed personal arse kick. You see I am the first person to get another bowl of cereal or grabanother sandwich when at a meeting buffet. However since quitting wheat (all of 3 days a go – evidently no right to preach), I have been reading more about the human ability to just keep on eating.

Apparently there is a 7 minute delay between the stomach and the brain. Did not know that. Therefore if one could distract ones self after a seemingly small meal one might then feel full.Some nutritionalists believe that distraction is actually the cause and not the cure. There is a theory that if you read, blog, surf the web or watch TV while eating, this 7 minute delay is almost negated. Your body just carries on eating until the stomach can literally take no more. Completely full. Where all your body actually needs is a fraction of the amount you just rammed into your body.

There are loads of books out there documenting this.

So for the next 7 days I am going to put a little experiment on top of my January goals / experiment. From what I have read these are the 7 rules that are going to apply to everything I put in my mouth.

1. Mastication – I must fully chew every mouthful. To start with I am going to go with 20 chews. This sounds a lot and I am going to look very funny when out with my buddies. I like to add a bit humour to the evening. Seriously though it slows you down and increases the surface area of your food, making it easier to digest and meaning you get all the nutrients.

2. Put sandwich down – OK so in Jan I am not eating wheat, but my point is that, I am going to put my food down every time I have a mouthful. This includes cultery. The food is not going to run away, I do not need to pre load my fork with the next massive load, or hold the sandwich/bagel/apple/snack near my mouth or even in my hand. Put the food DOWN between every mouthful. The upside for Mrs. FatCycles is that I am not going to be inhaling my food off the plate.

3. Concentrate on every mouthful – no more TV dinners – OK well only for a week. But if it works maybe longer. Basically concentration on what I am eating. No books, no iPad – nothing. The food is my enjoyment, I will concentrate on that is my entertainment.

4. No standing room – I must sit down while eating anything. Main meals must be at a table and not my desk.

5. Am I full – by doing all of the above, I should theoretically slowed down my eating enough to know when I am full. I have to listen to my body. And when I am full STOP EATING.

6. Drink before every meal – most of the time one feels hungry, apparently it is just thirst. The body confuses thirst with hunger. So I am going to have a pint of water before allow anything to go in my mouth.

7. Am I really hungry – Last rule of the experiment. If I feel truly hungry – not bored or thirsty – then I can eat. Theoretically if 6 has not worked I must be hungry.

OK time to get into some lycra and get wet on the bike.  Pictures to follow later.


Of Strava Challenges and Noro Viruses

3rd of Jan – Location Home Office – Why? Noro Virus

The UK NHS give this description:

“Norovirus, sometimes known as the winter vomiting bug, is the most common stomach bug in the UK, affecting people of all ages.

The virus, which is highly contagious, causes vomiting and diarrhoea. As there is no specific cure, you have to let it run its course, but it should not last more than a couple of days.”

As you might imagine I have not hit the trails or roads.  But I have managed to stick to the eating plan – mainly as I cannot stomach anything so the temptation of the evening beer has not been felt.

On another note, to keep myself inspired Strava have launched their January – Prove it Challenge.  With the added bonus that if you cycle 600KM (375 Miles) in a month you can apply to get an exclusive Strava Prove It T-Shirt.  Now being a complete muppet for this type of challenge and exclusive merchandise, I am already working out how to make the miles up for missing the yesterday and todays cycling.


I guess what ever motivates you does the trick.  And this is working for me.  Apart from my stats don’t look great at the moment.